
Blueberry flavored coffee

In today's Minimalist column, Bitten writes about blueberry flavored coffee.

Curiously, we were given a box of this as part of a Red, White and Blue-themed July 4th present.

It's Gevalia brand, which is usually pretty good-- but blueberry?

I generally don't like flavored coffee, and I often chide friends (I'm a big chider) for drinking it. My friend Steve likes vanilla-flavored creamer, or caramel maybe, and my pal Bernie would sometimes bring flavored coffee (hazlenut?) into the office. Despite me not paying for it, I'd chide away.... I once chided my wife and friend Allyson for ordering a white pizza with spinach, tomato, and bacon, as I was eating two pieces of their pie. Yeah, I'm kind of an asshole. But loveable too. I think. Maybe.

Anyway, in the interest of scientific research, I tore open the package and brewed a cup.

Thank you Mario and Alice for the thoughtful gift, but I have to admit I still don't like flavored coffee. This cup tastes a bit soapy.

My brother works for Starbucks, and dropped off 10 # of medium to dark roast over the July 4 holiday-- I think I'll stick to that.

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