Persimmon is very sweet and juicy when ripe. They're delicious when underripe too, though drier. At a young age, they're a great addition to fruit salad, as they hold their cut shape well.

They're often square in shape. To prepare them I cut off the skin in four pieces, running my knife down each side. The resulting naked cube is easy to dice, or, if very ripe, cut into manageable pieces.
My snack was fine. Toasted whole wheat bread, onto which I'd smeal a little goats cheese which I'd dribbled with olive oil and pepper. Then I'd add a small piece of persimmon to it. I added a few olives, which I'd rinsed then marinated in olive oil, lemon zest, a sprinkle of thyme and pepper flakes, and a handful of walnuts.
This would make a fine updated "brushetta" or appetizer plate for guests.
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